Saturday 9 June 2012

Hostile Spawn - Monsters!

Hi all.

Here's some of the aliens I made for a small game called Hostile Spawn. This was done quite a few years ago ,but I'm still fond of them!

If you saw how they actually appeared in game though you would laugh... they ended up being shown top-down and about 50 by 50 pixels big! Of course we had plans to use them for marketing and for interfaces etc, but that never materialized. Still that's they way computer game production goes!

Miner Disturbance - Characters from iPhone Game

Hi all.
Here today are some characters I made for a iPhone game called Miner Disturbance. Its actually I pretty cool game, and if you have a iPhone I can recommend it.
Personally I don't have a iPhone, in fact I don't even have a smart phone. No, not because I'm backwards, but because I simply know that It wouldn't last a week in my ownership. I seem to constantly be dropping phones down loo or as happen recently, I put one on top of my cars dashboard, with the cars window open. Then go round a roundabout too fast and watch it fly across the dash and straight out of the window. Ahhh, how I laughed... sometime later, much much later....

Friday 1 June 2012

Low-Poly Work

Hi all.
Prepare your senses. Its low-poly work! 

Here are some characters from the game 8realms  worked on. There not really particuly amazing, but for some reason I'm rather fond of them... 

Here it a low-poly head from a game that never got released, which was going to be a pirate ship fighting and treasure hunting game. This guy was going to be your guide an tutor.  
Sadly after we had put quite some time and effort into this game, our boss realized that sailing is actually very boring.... We found out that all you would do is circle round and round waiting for you cannons to reload so you could click and fire. That's it... I'm sure it is possible to make a decent pirate ship combat game, but we didn't!